Use a Phone Camera to Identify Product Details
A successful self-service product support experience starts by correctly identifying the make and model of the customer’s device. To learn this information, virtual assistants typically guide customers through a series of questions or ask them to input a serial number. While this process might work for clearly labeled devices, it often fails when a product line includes multiple generations of identical models with different specifications.
To make product identification simpler, Mavenoid end-users (the customers of product and device brands) can now take a picture of any label or product info sticker and our Vision AI will personalize self-service steps, pre-fill product registration or warranty forms, and more by automatically extracting useful data (e.g. serial numbers, codes, and IDs).
Mavenoid Admins can configure Vision AI to “look” for specific data within a product label and “talk” to external systems to gather more information for a customer. For example, an industrial machinery brand could allow their customers to scan a device barcode to start a replacement part order from nearby inventory.

Iterate on Flows Faster with Admin Updates
Known for our focus on self-service support for products and devices, Mavenoid typically serves large enterprise brands with vast portfolios of product documentation powering their Virtual Assistants. To reduce the complexity of managing support flows for dozens or hundreds of products, we’ve updated the home screen in Mavenoid’s admin portal. Now, admins can:
- Search for flows using a variety of filters: last modified, modified by, AI-generated, and unpublished edits
- Manage language settings, change review and expiration rules, and publish hundreds of flows in just a few clicks
- Organize flows in folders

Improve Collaboration with Personalized Notifications
Mavenoid’s Flow Builder allows admins and modelers to make hundreds of changes daily to continually improve their self-service product support. While the ability to quickly create and update flows allows support teams to scale their operations, it can also be overwhelming to stay informed. With notifications enabled, users will receive timely updates about changes to particular flows. Users can choose from in-app, browser, or email notifications:
- Get notified when users are added or removed, or when new languages are added or removed
- Subscribe or unsubscribe from notifications for specific flows (by default, users are unsubscribed from all flows)
- Receive notifications when new comments are posted on subscribed-to flows or when tagged in a comment thread on any flow
- Tag colleagues in comments to request their review or clarification on specific flows or nodes

More Product Wins
Trending Knowledge Gaps
Mavenoid's AI-powered Gap Analysis now shows trends, helping users easily identify if a knowledge gap is growing or declining in volume over time. If a gap trend is increasing, users are notified so they can further investigate why content is underperforming.

Improved Sharing in Dynamic Help Center
Dynamic Help Center now offers a logged-in experience for agents and technicians, allowing them to copy and paste text, images, and video from product documentation hosted in Mavenoid. This enables faster sharing and ensures the format of knowledge received by customers is consistent with publicly-available content.

Reviewing Node Content
Within Mavenoid's Flow Builder, users can now:
- Decide what triggers nodes as ‘unreviewed,' such as content created by Generative AI
- Set expiration dates to ensure support content remains up to date. If turned on, nodes that haven’t been edited for a set period will be automatically highlighted as ‘unreviewed'
Using our advanced search, filters, and bulk editing features, it’s easy to quickly review self-service advice and ensure it’s accurate and relevant — exactly what customers expect to read.
Fixes and Polishes
- [Dynamic Help Center] The option to log in is available for all Dynamic Help Centers, even if not mandatory
- [Assistant] Horizontal overflow on mobile devices is prevented, making all content easier to read
- [Flow Builder] Added auto-focus on Jump Nodes, making their editing faster
- [Flow Builder] The Name Field is now prioritized for faster editing when new Nodes are added
- [AI Gap Analysis] Improved the user interface for flow-level gaps, adding more details and filters
- [Transcript] Includes customer name, if provided, in session transcripts
- [Translation Management] Automated translation for large volumes of content is now much faster
Thank you and stay tuned for more updates!
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